Monday, September 15, 2008

When Is It Going To Be Enough?

The answer to the above question for myself is never.  There is never going to be a day where I can just be me.  People depend on me far, far too much.  I'm always the strong one, the one that can be counted on, the one that will be there no matter what.  I am always at work, I don't call in unless I'm practically dying and I never leave early.  Even if I feel like total shit, I go to work or stay at work because I know they need me and I would feel bad.  Same thing with family life.  I have almost zero personal time because I'm doing this thing for my mom or that thing for my brother.  Somewhere I lost myself.  I have given up so much for everyone, espeically my mom and brother, and a "thank you, love you" is about all he payment I've received for all my sacrifices.  The burden has been weighing on me very heavily recently.  Inside I want to cry all the time, but put on my stong and happy face for those that need me to be their support, their strengh, their backbone.  I guess that is what I am to people that know me.  I am everything that they can't be.

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